Tue 13 Jan 2015
Arisia Schedule
Posted by elektra under Uncategorized
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I’m going to my first Arisia 16-19 January 2015 in Boston, Massachusetts, and here is where you can find me:
SATURDAY, 17 January
10am – Marina 2
The Arisia Book Club: Reading the Hugos
[Panelists: Christopher Davis (mod), Elektra Hammond, Kate Nepveu, Erik Amundsen, Jennifer Allis Provost]
Read this year’s Hugo-winning novel (Ancillary Justice by Ann Leckie) and stories (“Equoid” by Charles Stross, “The Lady Astronaut of Mars” by Mary Robinette Kowal, “The Water That Falls on You from Nowhere” by John Chu), and come on down to discuss!
1pm – Marina 2
Unruly Places: When the Setting Does Not Behave
[Panelists: Erik Amundsen (mod), Elektra Hammond, Greer Gilman, Shira Lipkin, Adam Lipkin]
Streets that shift in the night, pathways that change destination, hills that certainly weren’t there yesterday: some places just don’t behave. What works of genre fiction have explored these unruly places? What stories can only happen where our rules just don’t apply?
7pm – Marina 1
Marvel Cinematic (and TV) Universe, 2015
[Panelists: Shira Lipkin (mod), Heather Urbanski, Elektra Hammond, Ed Fuqua, Kevin Cafferty, Gillian Daniels]
In 2014, we saw Agents of SHIELD and Captain America: The Winter Soldier deal with global corruption, while Guardians of the Galaxy took on Thanos and Ronan. As this panel takes place, we’ll have Agent Carter on TV, with a Netflix Daredevil show hitting in May. We’ll talk about where this increasingly complex and connected universe goes from here, and how things are looking after the last year.
SUNDAY, 18 January
11:30am – Douglas
Broad Universe Rapid-Fire Reading
[Panelists: Trisha Wooldridge (mod), Terri Bruce, Elektra Hammond, Lisa J. Evans, Justine Graykin, Suzanne Reynolds-Alpert, Anna Erishkigal]
Broad Universe is an international organization of women and men dedicated to celebrating and promoting the work of women writers of science fiction, fantasy, and horror. Come hear samples from the works of several members of the Broad Universe organization.
2:30pm – Hancock
Open Discussion Group: Movies
[Panelists: Rubi, Elektra Hammond, Deirdre Crimmins]
Description What were your favorite movies this year? What as a hit and what was a miss? Come share your opinions in this interactive discussion.