Darkovercon 36 (the very last Darkovercon ever) is this weekend.

Here’s where you’ll find me:

FRIDAY, 29 November
6pm – Greenspring Ballroom 3 -5
The Romance Invasion
[Panelists: Elektra Hammond(mod), Margaret L. Carter, Stephanie Dray, Katherine Kurtz, Rosemary Edghill]
How has the “Romance” genre affected the F&SF genres? What Romance themes or motifs have become a part of F&SF art and literature? Has this inclusion changed, spoiled, or widened the possibilities for the F&SF genres? If so, how?

7pm – Board Room
Kaffeeklatch – Rosemary Edghill
I’ll be a non-participatory attendee, with a large selection of Rosemary’s rare and out-of-print books available for a small donation to the convention. Rosemary has generously donated these books from her personal stock.

9pm – Atrium
Don Sakers & Thomas Atkinson get married in Maryland

SATURDAY, 30 November
11am – Greenspring Ballroom 3 -5
Looking for [X] in All the Wrong Places
[Panelists: Carl Cipra(mod), Danielle Ackley-McPhail, D.H. Aire, Elektra Hammond, Melissa Scott, Leona Wisoker]
Writers and artists discuss the concept of “research” for their creations. Discussion will include: why research is important; typical and/or unusual sources they’ve used; sources they recommend for different types of creations; sources to avoid; etc.

1pm – Greenspring Ballroom 3 -5
Author Guest of Honor Speech
[Panelist: Rosemary Edghill]
I’ll likely be in the back of the room, listening to my mentor, the amazingly awesome Rosemary Edghill, with a large selection of her rare and out-of-print books available for a small donation to the convention. Rosemary has generously donated these books from her personal stock.

3pm – Chesapeake 3 -5
Stick a Gear on it and call it Steampunk
[Panelists: Elektra Hammond(mod), Rosemary Edghill, Danielle Ackley-McPhail, Michelle Sonnier, Jonah Knight]
A discussion by writers of cross-genre mixes of Steampunk with, well, everything. Romance, Lovecraftian horror, science fiction, mystery, westerns.

4pm – Greenspring Ballroom 3 -5
Mass Autographing Session
I’ll be with our Author Guest of Honor, Rosemary Edghill, with a large selection of her rare and out-of-print books available for a small donation to the convention. Rosemary has generously donated these books from her personal stock.

5pm – Chesapeake 3 -5
Broad Universe Rapid Fire Reading
[Panelists: Sarah Pinsker(mod), Danielle Ackley-McPhail, Margaret Carter, Meriah Crawford, Elektra Hammond, Kelly A. Harmon, Erika Satifka, Vonnie Winslow Crist, Leona Wisoker]
Short readings from a selection of authors, all members of Broad Universe. I’ll be reading from my story “In the Form of a Question,” to be published by Fortress Publishing Inc. in parody anthology TV Gods in May 2014.

SUNDAY, 1 December
noon – Timonium Room
Reading – Rosemary Edghill
I’ll be a non-participatory attendee, listening to Rosemary read, with a large selection of her rare and out-of-print books available for a small donation to the convention. Rosemary has generously donated these books from her personal stock.

1pm – Chesapeake 3 -5
Young Adult Fantasy & Science Fiction: New Stuff, Good Stuff
[Panelists: Don Sakers(mod), Vonnie Winslow Crist, Elektra Hammond, Mike McPhail]
Panelists discuss what’s new in the world of YA (Young Adult) F&SF and make recommendations of their favorites (past and present).

2pm – Greenspring Ballroom 3 -5
Q&A for Authors
[Panelists: Jennifer Heise(mod), Rosemary Edghill, Don Sakers, Warren Rochelle, Margaret L. Carter, Melissa Scott, Leona Wisoker, D.H. Aire, Scott MacMillan, Stephanie Dray, Alanna Morland, Erica Satifka, Katherine Kurtz, C.S. Friedman, Meriah L. Crawford, Heather Rose Jones, Sarah Pinsker]
Is there something you’ve really wanted to ask one of the attending authors but haven’t had a chance to ask yet? Well, here’s your chance to ask!
Again–I’ll likely be in the back of the room, listening to the panel, offering a last chance for anyone to pick up rare and out-of-print books by Rosemary Edghill (for a small donation to the convention). Rosemary has generously donated these books from her personal stock.