lonestarcon iron throne

Lonestarcon was my busiest Worldcon to date, but a ton of fun. I had a full schedule of panels, including costuming (thanks Aurora!), steampunk, and best of all, movies! I finally put going to (and reviewing) all those movies to use.

I helped out with the Phoenix in 2014 NasFic bid (working the bid table and the awesome party)–sadly, we lost to Detroit when all the votes were counted–good luck Detcon I!

I worked as a stage ninja for the Masquerade Saturday night and I went to the Hugo Award ceremony Sunday night (and rode up in the elevator afterward with Rory McCann aka The Hound–he is tall!). Both events were well-attended and nicely coordinated by the Lonestarcon staff. The costumes were amazing (at both events!), the memorial presentation at the Masquerade was heart-wrenching, and Leslie Fish knocked it out of the park with the halftime show. After seeing all the dramatic presentations, and reading most of the fiction, the Hugos were intense and amazing to watch.

I did my first stint as a member of Broad Universe, and participated in the rapid-fire reading, premiering an excerpt from my forthcoming story “In the Form of a Question”–Norse gods play Jeopardy!, scheduled for May 2014 in the anthology TV Gods. The Broads are awesome, and supportive, and I’m terribly glad I joined.

I’m also a new affiliate of SFWA, and it was great to visit the SFWA suite and start meeting folks. Everyone I spoke to was great! There was a Paper Golem Press meeting with Lawrence Schoen about our upcoming anthology Cats in Space–(look for it in the next couple of months).

Then there were the people. Dinner with friends from Philly and Delaware and New York and my awesome roommate Debi. Costume panels with both Pettingers, Byron Connell, Julie Barrett, C.J. Mills, and the multi-talented Janine Wardale. Movie panels with Adam-Troy Castro, Perrianne Lurie, Heather Urbanski, Terry Floyd, and Mark Oshiro (I met Mark Oshiro!).

Me and Mark Oshiro

Went to a bunch and a half of parties. And I saw old friends and new. Talked to Alex Shvartsman and Myke Cole and Judi Castro. Nibbled on breakfast and chatted with Steve Jackson (what a nice guy!). Met all the Phoenix in 2014 crew in person, finally. Met Steven Gould and Matthew Johnson and Patrick Nielsen Hayden.

Did I mention my amazing roommate Debi?

Now I want to go to the next six Worldcons . . . .