Sun 4 Nov 2012
My Philcon Schedule
Posted by elektra under sf conventions
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Philcon is this weekend!
When I’m not scheduled for programming Friday and Saturday, look for me in the lobby, shilling for the Masquerade, which is 8pm Saturday.
FRIDAY, 9 November
pre-con 12:15pm – AMC Loews Cherry Hill 24 – Skyfall (hey – I’m reviewing it for buzzymag)
No scheduled programming
SATURDAY, 10 November
Plaza IV (Four)
My Best Quickie . . . Costume
[Panelists: Kimberly Ann Kindya (M), Lisa Ashton, Amy Fass, Elektra Hammond]
Our costume panelists talk about (and show pictures) of their best QUICK costumes, and talk about their shortcuts and what you could do at home to look great—for little money and time! Think thrift stores, yard sales, Grandma’s closet, and you’re there
Grand Ballroom A
[I’m the Assistant Director of the Masquerade this year, learning about how things run . . . ]
10pm (This one is likely to change–or I may not make it at all due to the Masquerade)
Plaza V (Five)
Cosplay on a Budget: Using Discount Stores and Creativity
[Panelists: Elektra Hammond (M), Stephanie Burke, Rebecca Robare]
It doesn’t matter if you can’t afford custom shoes and corsets – this panel is about using the resources within your budget to achieve awesome effects. For example, using costume pieces double as clothes you can wear to work.
SUNDAY, 11 November
Plaza IV (Four)
Steampunk, From Inspiration to Creation
[Panelists: Elektra Hammond (M), Robert Himmelsbach, Matt Black, Thomas Willeford]
Make outfits from scratch, or dress up thrift store clothing; what is the Steampunk dynamic for dress? Is it all about the hats, the gears, the accessories, or is a true Victorian profile a must? What historical eras are appropriate fodder? Is a persona necessary? What if you just want to dress up and have cool goggles?
Crystal Ballroom Three
A Song of Ice & Fire: The Fan Speculation Panel
[Panelists: David M. Axler (M), Elektra Hammond, James Harper, Andrew C. Murphy]
George R.R. Martin’s great fantasy series has complex characters and a tangled plot, both of which mean that there are plenty of fan theories about some things… Jon’s parentage, the fate of Benjen Stark, Young Griff’s background, and the plots of the Tyrells have all generated theories that range from the likely to the “needs-a-tinfoil-hat-to-believe”. We’ll talk about what some of the more interesting fan ideas about the series may be.