Entries tagged with “in an iron cage”.
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Tue 24 Apr 2012
Posted by elektra under writing
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There is a very nice review of In an Iron Cage: The Magic of Steampunk over at SF Reader.
They take the time to say something nice about each and every story, and they really “got” what we were trying to do with the anthology.
I’ve been working under deadline to finish up a project (which has now gone to press), so I have a lot of news to share. Watch the skies!
Fri 2 Dec 2011
Posted by elektra under writing
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The first Saturday in December is Christmas in Odessa. This year, as part of the celebration, I’ll be at the Corbit-Calloway Memorial Library (115 High Street, Odessa, DE) starting at 12:30pm, talking about steampunk and signing copies of In An Iron Cage: The Magic of Steampunk. I’ll be there in my Christmas-y Steampunk finest.
If you’re in the neighborhood, stop in and say “hi.”
Tue 29 Nov 2011
Posted by elektra under writing
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There’s a nice review of In An Iron Cage: The Magic of Steampunk over at Book Spot Central.
Kudos to Bernie Mojzes, Jim Chambers, Jeff Young, David Sherman and Danielle Ackley-McPhail, whose stories got called out for special praise.
Sun 13 Nov 2011
Posted by elektra under sf conventions
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For those who will be in Cherry Hill, New Jersey at Philcon this coming weekend (18-20 November 2011), here is where to find me at the con. Otherwise, I’ll probably be hanging around the Dark Quest table in the Huckster’s Room:
3:00pm in Plaza V (five)
Costume & Garment Embellishment–When do you Stop?
[Panelists: Elektra Hammond (mod), Lisa Ashton, Kat Grossberg, Kris Twesme, Patricia Wake, Nikki Cohen]
Our panel discusses the “fun” part of building your costume—embellishment—sometimes sparkly and glitzy, or not always. Everyone thinks this part is easy, but it is not always evident how to do it well. What is appropriate, how much, horizontal, vertical,
or diagonal or curved? Monochrome or contrast? Shiny or not, what if
you can’t find the right color? All these questions will be addressed.
7:00pm in Crystal Ballroom Three
George R.R. Martin’s “The Song of Ice and Fire”
[Panelists: David M. Axler (mod), Myke Cole, Andrew C. Murphy, Shira Lipkin, Elektra Hammond]
This series, now up to five books, has also spawned a hit HBO series. What is so special about Martin’s work? Is it the “new Dune”?
10:00am in Plaza IV (four)
Steam: Ironing Out The Details
[Panelists: Richard Stout (mod), Gil Cnaan, Elektra Hammond, Jonah
Knight, G.D. Falksen]
What exactly makes a story “Steampunk”? Is it just a matter of slapping a few weird-science inventions on a Victorian setting, or is there more to it?
12 noon in Plaza II (two)
Starting in Steampunk: What are the Costume Basics?
[Panelists: Thomas Willeford (mod), Elektra Hammond, Gil Cnaan, Matt Black]
Steampunk has experienced overwhelming popularity in the recent past. How can you develop a steampunk costume or persona that is believable? What are the basic pieces for men or women? How about
accessories, shoes, hats, weapons, survival gear . . . ?
2:00pm in Plaza V (five)
Using Found Materials: Thrift Stores, Yard Sales & Grandma’s Attic
[Panelists: Elektra Hammond (mod), Thomas Willeford, Kris Twesme,
Stephanie Burke, Mike McPhail, Richard Stout]
Most of us don’t have unlimited funds to spend on building costumes.
The fun is trying to make serendipitous finds fit the need. Making over a thrift store dress, spraying an old crocheted sweater silver
as “mail”, perhaps finding a vintage hat in the attic—how do these spark your imagination?
I hope I see you’all there!
Tue 23 Aug 2011
Posted by elektra under editing
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Brenda Cooper is featured today on John Scalzi’s Whatever. Her new novel, Mayan December, is the subject of The Big Idea. Brenda’s Mayan-infused steampunk story “Speaker for the Mayans” appears in the anthology In an Iron Cage: The Magic of Steampunk edited by Danielle Ackley-McPhail, Elektra Hammond, and Neal Levin.
Wed 17 Aug 2011
Posted by elektra under writing
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We’re giving away a copy of In an Iron Cage: The Magic of Steampunk on Goodreads. It contains my first published story, “The Case of the Duchess’s Dog”–enter early and often!
Sun 10 Jul 2011
Posted by elektra under sf conventions
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Confluence is just around the corner, 22 – 24 July 2011 in Pittsburgh. Confluence is near and dear to my heart–it’s the convention put on by Parsec, the Pittsburgh area Science Fiction Club.
Mike and I joined Parsec in September 2004, when we attended a pre-Worldcon BBQ hosted by Wen Spencer. Wen is a former-Pittsburghian–we met the members of the club there and had a great time. We’ve been members ever since.
We/I have attended several Confluences since then (we missed a couple that conflicted with cat show commitments). But this is the first Confluence I’m attending as a panelist/guest.
Without further ado, here is my weekend schedule for Confluence:
Saturday, 23 July 2011
2pm Sizzlin’ Steampunk – Cogs, Clicks and venting vapors
Elektra Hammond (m), Alan Katerinsky, Michelle Sagara, Kevin Geiselman
8pm Small Press Publishing – A New Respectability
Eric Beebe (m), Elektra Hammond, Chris Pisano, Brian Koscienski
10pm Erotic Readings/discussion
KT Pinto, Elektra Hammond
Sunday, 24 July 2011
12pm Reading
Elektra Hammond
I’m really looking forward to these panels–I love steampunk in any format, and I’d love to hear what everyone has to say on the panel. It will be my first try at moderating, so we’ll see whether the lesson I took at the feet of the master works out. I’m also looking forward to talking about small press with the fun guys from Fortress Press, and looking forward to meeting lots of new friends.
The reading on Sunday will be from my story in the just published In an Iron Cage: The Magic of Steampunk, Saturday’s late night reading will be a selection concerning very, very naughty weresnakes, courtesy of my friend Stella Price.
See you there!
ETA: I have been in contact with Geis, and he will be at the Steampunk panel. W00t!
Tue 5 Jul 2011
Posted by elektra under writing
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The first copies have arrived!!
Mon 4 Jul 2011
Posted by elektra under writing
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In an Iron Cage: The Magic of Steampunk edited by Danielle Ackley-McPhail, Elektra Hammond and Neal Levin is now available in print on amazon.com.
In an Iron Cage contains the following stories:
The Winter Court by Bernie Mojzes
House of Automatons by James Chambers
Drinking Down Death by Jeff Young
Speaker For The Mayans by Brenda Cooper
To Love And Hope by C.J. Henderson
Little Girl With Pink Ribbons by Stuart Jaffe
Scoundrel’s Magic by James Daniel Ross
On The Wings Of An Angel by Danielle Ackley-McPhail
The Trans-Siberian by A.C. Wise
The First Flight of the Valhalla by Darren W. Pearce
The Case of the Duchess’s Dog by Elektra Hammond
That Voo Doo That You Do by Patrick Thomas
Iron and Brass, Blood and Bone by Alma Alexander
Greater Crater Gremlins by David Sherman
Also available for the kindle. Order early and often!
Tue 14 Jun 2011
Despite the fact that In An Iron Cage: The Magic of Steampunk is delayed until sometime later in June, I got a call a few days before the June 4th Dorian’s Parlor that we were still on. Although we couldn’t “launch” the book, Dark Quest was going to hand out promotional materials, take preorders and do some giveaways to help build up buzz for the books.
Mike and I had been meaning to get to Dorian’s (a salon-style steampunk event) for some time, but things kept getting in the way. This time we finally made it! It was great meeting people and handing out postcards for the book. It was a bit loud, but a ton of fun. We’ll be back at Dorian’s in September, launching the book for real, with readings and books for sale. Should be a ton of fun!