Entries tagged with “nanowrimo”.
Did you find what you wanted?
Thu 3 Nov 2011
It’s day three of NaNo and I’m already behind. Of course. I’m trying to keep up with all the editing I’m committed to as well (income is a good thing), and November is always busy around here. Keestone Katz! Philcon! Darkovercon! But I’m doing it anyway.
But things are looking up. I had the first of a series of weekly write-ins at my local library yesterday, and I was joined by a fellow quester, Deb. Everything is better with company!
And last night my laptop (my main computer system), returned to me after its visit back to its homeland, good as new. Apparently the cable to the display was bad. Fixed now. I am very much a creature of habit.
So, see you on the other side of November, hopefully 50,000 words later.
Wed 3 Nov 2010
Posted by elektra under writing
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I’m here in the Delaware Room of the Corbit-Calloway Library in Odessa, where I’m hosting the first of 4 write-ins (Wednesdays 10am to 1pm). The Delaware Room houses a collection of books about the Delmarva Peninsula, including maps and artwork. They’ve also got some locally made pottery on display, and the room is furnished with Delaware-made pieces: a beautiful hardwood table and a lovely secretary among them. There’s a fireplace with a marble front, and several windows, making it a well-lit and cheery room.
The only downside is the scarcity of electrical outlets, but I’ve got that covered–I brought the Extension Cord of Doom–a skull-covered drawstring bag that lives in the car containing a twenty-five foot flexible extension cord and five outlet power strip.
All I need know are some writers. Oh well–back to writing for me!
Mon 1 Nov 2010
Posted by elektra under writing
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It’s time to take a pause for research. As I run characters through a London residence (setting is an alternate Victorian London), I’m unclear on the proper layout. Fortunately, my mentor has pointed me at bunches of appropriate materials, so I’m currently going through Trevor Yorke’s Georgian & Regency Houses Explained. Then I’ll return to writing.
Mon 1 Nov 2010
Posted by elektra under writing
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and you know what that means. NaNoWriMo begins. For the first time, I embark upon writing 50,000 words in the month of November, while traveling out of town every weekend. Wish me luck!
In my spare time, I’ll try and get the Until Midnight website up to snuff.