Entries tagged with “signal boost”.

Author Peter J. Wacks just pointed me toward http://storybundle.com/ – an opportunity to pick up a group of epic fantasy ebooks for . . . whatever you choose to pay. Authors include Neil Gaiman, David Farland, Kristine Kathryn Rusch, Peter David, and Brandon Sanderson.

There are lots of choices here: how the money is divided among the packager and the authors, whether you’d like some of it to go to charity, which books make up your package. No matter how you slice it, it’s a great deal!

But it’s a limited-time offer, so get ’em while they’re hot!

Tim Pratt, writing as T.A. Pratt, is funding the continuation of his wonderful Marla Mason series over at kickstarter. Marla is not your typical girl-who-kicks-ass type heroine–she kicks ass, but she’s foul-mouthed, fights dirty, is a powerful sorceress and does whatever she has to in order to win. She has her own moral code: she is fiercely loyal to her friends and merciless to her enemies. It’s also terrific fun to read about her.

The Marla Mason series includes prequel Bone Shop, Blood Engines, Poison Sleep, Dead Reign, Spell Games, Broken Mirrors and assorted short stories.

So go over and pledge what you can. And tune in when January rolls around to read Grim Tides, the next book in the continuing saga of Marla Mason.