The Theory of Cat Gravity
by Robin Wood

Chapbook 2000
Livingtree Books
ISBN: 978-0-9652984-2-1
available at

Rating: 5 paws (out of 5)
five poly paws on trans background

Have you ever wondered why it’s so hard to get up when a cat’s been sitting in your lap? Or why so much stuff just accumulates under the bed, even when you vacuum regularly? Why is it harder for you to move around as you get older? The Theory of Cat Gravity answers all these questions and more. It will have you laughing out loud, with its sensible, logical explanations for some of life’s odd little phenomena–all of which are actually caused by your cat.

I’ve owned The Theory of Cat Gravity for years, and I never tire of re-reading it. Robin Wood’s Unified Pet Theory holds together as it is built up step-by-step, and will have you reading it aloud to your friends and family. This edition includes not only the theory, but also its proofs and its corollaries (for the completist in you).

The entire chapbook is decorated (illustrated) throughout by the whimsical art of Diana Harlan Stein, which enhances it even further. It’s highly recommended for anyone who has ever lived with a cat and suitable is for all ages, although young children may prefer to use the illustrations as a coloring book.