Balticon 48 will be from Friday (23 May) to Monday (26 May) in Hunt Valley, Maryland at the Baltimore Hunt Valley Inn. Look for me at parties and book launches and stuffs! When I’m not scheduled, I’ll be at DC in 17 stuff.
Here’s where you’ll find me:
FRIDAY, 23 May
8pm – Belmont
Copy Editing Do’s and Don’ts
[Panelists: Holliann Russell Kim, Elektra Hammond, Sue Baiman, Cindy Young-Turner, John French]
Finding an effective copy-editor, what makes someone good or bad as a copy editor, and why you may not want to have someone close to you edit your work
1pm – Salon B
5 Books for the Last Town on Earth
[Panelists: Elektra Hammond, Brenda Clough, Larry Hodges, Cindy Young-
Turner, Amy Kaplan]
By some freaky quirk of fate, your little city survived a major cataclysm. As far as you know, you are all that’s left, but you DO want to survive. What five books will help you and your neighbors survive?
4pm – Pimlico
Broad Universe Rapid Fire Reading
[Panelists: Gail Z Martin, Reesa Herberth, Jean Marie Ward, Elektra
Hammond, Michelle Moore]
Rapid Fire readings from some amazing women/authors.
6pm to 8pm – Frankie & Vinnie’s (Consuite)
[Panelists: Elektra Hammond, Mike D’Ambrosio, Jeff Young, Christopher Pisano, Brian Koscienski, Jon Sprunk, Eric Hardenbrook]
TV Gods book launch
Fortress Publishing, Inc. Presents TV Gods:
“Picture your favorite TV show! Imagine your favorite Pantheon! Mash them
together — What could possibly go wrong?” The great pantheons of the world run amok through eighteen tales of wonder and hilarity. Discover how the Egyptian gods use night court for judging the souls of the dead. What will happen when an office of Greek gods get downsized? Why are there Norse gods on a space ship?
Come join Fortress Publishing, Inc. in celebrating the launch of this exciting new anthology.
SUNDAY, 25 May
4pm – Salon B
They Play in Other Sandboxes
[Panelists: Elektra Hammond, Sarah Pinsker, Carl Cipra, Robert Glaub,
Jo Walton]
Panelists discuss successful and well-known SF writers who write in other genres and recommend some examples we might want to read.
MONDAY, 26 May
noon – Chase
How Hard Can it Be? Jumping out of Genre
[Panelists: KT Bryski (M), Elektra Hammond, Betsy Riley, Starla Huchton, Michael Hanson]
What do you do when you get a great opportunity…in a field in which you have NO experience? What are the advantages and pitfalls to writing in many genres? What are some strategies for leaving your comfort zone?